Friday 8 April 2016

PARIS 3.. The LOVE Lock

To follow up on the massage I posted on my facebook page (Funky.Kinky.Chic)  recently :

"TO MY SINGLE LADIES: I want to encourage you to celebrate your lives. I have made up my mind a long time ago to just live my life. To enjoy this gift of life even as a single lady. When i was younger I told myself I was not going for holidays to certain places  I wanted to do those holidays with a special men in my life. As I grew up I realised, I have a life. One life. Don't sit and wait for a men before you can do certain things in life. Let him find you living the life. Let him find you happy. If you are not happy alone, then how do you expect him to make you happy. Do things for yourself . Celebrate every season. I am celebrating my life now, NOT tomorrow."

 Paris is one of those Cities I told myself for years I wasn't going to Visit until I have met my Boaz. They don't call it a romantic city  city for nothing. I thought to myself, how could I visit places like Pont des Art bridge in Paris (The Love Lock Bridge), unless I was in love. Then I suddenly woke up and realised, I had to change my mindset, I have one life. The time is now, tomorrow is not in my hands.  So the fun life began.

A love lock or love padlock is a padlock which sweethearts lock to a bridge , fence,gate or similar public fixture to symbolize their love. Typically the sweethearts names or initials are inscribed on the padlock, its its key thrown away into the sea to symbolise unbreakable love.

When my friends and I visited Paris last year, we went to see this beautiful bridge, and I saw all this padlocks with couples,s names as a symbol of love for each other, I like the idea, ( don't judge). We went back to the hotel. The following day  as we were deciding where to go for the day, I said to them I need to but a padlock and go back to the Lovelock Bridge. We went around locking to buy this padlock, it was such a challenge as so many shops were closed. It was a Sunday, and I was shocked that shops didn't open on Sundays in Paris, but at the same time I was so impressed. Hopefully the go to worship.

Anyway, there was a corner shop opened somewhere, i got the nearest padlock i found, would have loved to get a nice colourful one on a normal day. At this point my friends are asking me.,' Is there something you are not telling us?? Who is this guy? And i am there like, girls lets just go, you will soon find out.

So its at this bridge that I once again declared my love.

Holding my padlock. It is written....

Didn't plan to wear the " I LOVE YOU' T`shirt though,,

After i Locked up


Capture the moment, through the sunnies...

Monday 22 February 2016

2016 Resolutions; THINK AGAIN

Happy New Year;

Well I didn't forget, I just decided to wait and enjoy reading all your beautiful New year messages .I  read about all that you are thankful for and all you plan to do in 2016! 

Sometimes these messages though can be so overwhelming and one can feel pressured on what to write on here. Some can feel so depressed as they don't  feel they have anything impressive to write. For Example if you read about all the good things that have happened for others and you look at your life and think that nothing good has happened! For instance people are thanking God for marriages, some gave birth, some got new jobs, some got promoted so on and so forth. and you are there thinking what happened ? Where was I ? What wrong with me?? Maybe like myself, you prayed for a husband, for child after marriage, for promotion at work, and none of the above came to pass in 2015, you might think you got nothing to be thankful for.

Hang on, what about your life, what about you didn't die? You are healthy? Learn to be thankful! I personally have some health challenges, my knee is such a challenge for me at the moment which is why I haven't posted anything about my long power walks for a long time, but there is still so much to be thankful for.

So as people make New Year resolutions, as you have been naming all the things you want to see and accomplish by the end of 2016, what about maybe for a moment you stop focusing on yourself, what about you plan to extend your helping hand this year, it's not about material things! What about planning to be kind, plan to give, maybe just your time, to those who need a listening ear ! YEA, WHAT ABOUT THAT?? What about taking time to pray for so many of those married couples you know who have been trying to have a child for many many years, hey! What about stop being selfish! Then see how fulfilled you will be by the end of this year!! 
Rise up! There is greatness in everyone of us, there is something even you can give! 

Pictures were taken along Thames River in Thamesmead, London on the 31/12/1015 #thamesriver #meditations #resolutions #london #afrochic #naturalista #topshopcoat #topshoshoes #topshoptop #mangojeans


Friday 20 November 2015

Another Year, Another Birthday..

With Many things that Facebook introduces I stumbled upon one that tells you, your Most used words. The funny thing is When I checked it out my most used words were; " Birthday, Birthdaymood, Birthday Month, Birthday Celebraton. I then realised that Boy! Do I love celebrating my existance. So my birthday is an excuse to do so.

My Birthday falls on the 27/10 and from my previous post you are all aware i celebrated it for the whole month and till date i still get birthday wishes... Its never to late i tell them.

If you follow me you would have seen a post about my Birthday Eve Celebration. The weekend after mybday was a another phase to my celebratory Month and where else than London  as the backdrop....all courtesy of my Friend Tsholo.  I got to London around 3 pm on a Saturday, my intention was to rest for a little while before we go out for dinner. But No, my friend had made an appointment for me , it was a surprise, i didn't know what it was until i got to this place. It was a beauty makeup session. At the end of the session my beauty was admittedly MAGNIFIED.

Then I went back home to get ready for this 5 course dinner at a very beautiful restaurant at Canary Wharf, Canada Square. Gosh the view was amazing, the food was very good. This place was just fit for a fabulous lady like myself and my friends, Celebrating with a style. Enjoy the pictues.

    This was a table booked for us just by the window to enjoy the view..

     The lady of the moment. Birthday gal                 Wonderfully and Fearfully made

    I are a great amount on this night. If I drunk alcohol, this would have been the night to get drunk.

A five course meal was De Trop!

           The girls:

So I called this night a closing ceremony for the celebration month, It was a super Night.

        MY LIFE, MY STORY........


Saturday 7 November 2015

2015 Birthday EVE.

Last year was my big 40 and there was no way I was going top last year's celebration. So this year  instead of paying importance to the one day I decided why not celebrate for the whole of October. Like a  Birth Month. Haha, Yea I like celebrating this life!

Unlike many who really get saddened by adding a year to their age,  I personnally have a different take to this. I have come to realise that growing old is a blessing not a curse, my heart is so overwhelmed.   My younger sister died tragically at the tender age of 24 only to loose my brother a week later aged 36.  I often wonder how much they both would have established in their lives respectively. Their  lives were cut short so soon. And so I am thankful for the air I breath.  I guess that's why I am able to laugh out loud when young colleagues tease me about being older than them. 

October was my  month to take stock, to look back into my life. Counting my blessings naming them one by one , I was amazed at how far the Lord has brought me. How much He has blessed me. And to know that it's not over until the Lord Himself says so!!

As the Month drew to a close my friends werent going to let it end quietly. Dinner at the coconut bar and Kitchen was booked for my BIRTHDAY EVE . Yes i said it, 'EVE', one more night sleep before my birthday. Anticipation!! Awaiting my day with great expectancy.
                                                Good food ,Great Company , Great Night

Time to go home it was...

                                       Lets keep going, better things yet to come. I see BEAUTY....