Thursday 11 June 2015

IHS Gabs 95-98 Re-Union Part 2

The following morning we all garthered around the fire place!! Had another BBQ for breakfast! Then we had a meeting, then one goes, Before we start please can e open with a word of prayer "!! Errrr...hmmm
Thought word of what?? Yea, we prayed, people are grown, so mature!! Husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Priorities have shifted. Yea it was wonderful.

We we decided to do the safari drive ourselves, so we saw few wild animals, when we saw an elephant, I asked the driver to slow down so I could take pictures but the guy ustpresrsed down on that accelerator  and said he din't want to die!! Like dude  please, you are in the wrong place then. Hahahahaha

Anyway we were told it was wrong time,  went back to the lodge so we could go back in the evening when is the time these animals would apparently be going for water.

Got home and off course me just  being me I seized the opportunity  for a mini photos shoot with my newly appointed photographer!! He is good.

                         COLLECTING FIRE WOOD......

This is such a beautiful lake not far away from where we stayed.. Beautiful water fall..

We were sat by the fire place most of the time..........

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