Thursday 11 December 2014

Trip to Rome / Part 2

Still in the city of  Rome, as you previously read,we walked everywhere, all day. We literally left hotel in the morning and got back at night just to get ready to go out for  dinner. 

You are asking yourself, but what about lunch? WHAT LUNCH?WHO NEEDS LUNCH?
All we had was breakfast at the hotel in the morning ,

 then during the day was a super excuse for us to indulge with tons of delicious creamy goodness. We found the best GELATO in Rome. I think we probably had 4 ice cream cones/ cups a day. We were on sugar rush all day basically. Hahaha. 

All we had throughout the day was water and ice cream.There are public spigots all over the city of Rome where you get good drinking water. There is no need to keep buying bottles of water, so we bought a bottle each and we kept refilling whenever necessary... There's my friend refilling.

When it comes to food, there is a well known saying " when in Rome do as the Roman do", so I had so much pasta! (Staple food for Italians.)

Some of the pictures from our nights out..


 I call this one" THE LAST SUPPER ".. Michelle might have to remind the name of this drink.


Sugar sugar sugar!, just behind our hotel was another ice cream place, this was where we had the midnight treat!

Midnight selfie after lots of ice cream...

That's it about Rome for now, will update you on my next visit.


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