Friday 2 January 2015

Lake District; PART 2



On the first  morning our breakfast girl Fortunate prepared a Full English Breakfast for us, and prepared sandwiches  for us to pack for lunch. We set out for the Ferry to cross over to the other side of the river and we walked to WRAY CASTLE. It took us about three and a half hours.

                                              Us waiting for the fiery


                                Bellow is me taking my medicine; LAUGHTER.

                                      Out of the ferry  we walked through the woods

                                   We stopped here at the Wray Castle, sat for few minutes to eat.

                               Selfie by our one and only Michelle Meryline

 On our way back something interesting happened, so we saw another walking path, and I suggested we tried a different route back home. "I am sorry my ankles cannot carry me anymore, I am going back home now, Joymie give me the keys" Michelle exclaimed. I was really surprised as I didn't expect this from my 6 feet tall Kenyan friend. She then goes, its my shoes, they are hurting me. Then I answered; that's fine, give her the house keys. As she grabs the house keys my Jamaican (Kingston ) friend Sophia said "I will walk back with her. Was I surprised that she was the first one to come to the rescue? No, in fact I expected her to be the first to complain. As I looked back at her, she then goes "err I am not going to let Michelle walk back alone'. What an excuse to escape! Fair enough. Well later that night they confessed they both went to town, had some ice cream then took a taxi for a ten minutes walk journey.

                                    See the two of them bellow;

Fortunate, Joymie and I continued on our new route, Gosh!! we kept going and going and going, after another 3 hours  Fortunate started , " Guys, are we there yet? like every 30 minutes she would ask this same question. I have to say she did so well though considering the fact that we were then tired and hungry. Thank God for those wild Blackberries, they kept us going. Got to the point where we were now looking for a bus to take us back This was after like another 4 hours. We got home for 5 pm, having left the house in the morning at 8am. So tired we had our super bathed and went to la la land. Zzz...

The following morning we drove from Lake Windermere where we stayed to Lake Cashmere. The aim was to go up two mountains. We started with The South Face, Just as we started from the bottom of the mountain Michelle took the slow motion mood, funny thing is we kept looking back to see she was OK. One of us would shout Michelle are you OK, where are you?? From afar you would hear her small voice. " I am okay, I was just taking a selfie". Honestly though, how many selfies can a girl take in one day?

Sophia at this point had really made up her mind she was not going to complain. Great!  At some point,  from the front came another small voice from Fortunate " Guys, tell me why are we torturing ourselves? she asked. I answered: "for the love of walking". Then she responded:"Nooo! I think its for the love of Studu". Ha hahaha, I just had to laugh. Bless her, she was tired.

                                        Feeling on top of the world

As for me, since I do lots of walking I invest in walking necessities, Below is my picture with me a Camelbek (water tank on my back) and my Walking stick umbrella. So i was well geared up. Sophia and Michelle were convinced that I was climbing the mountain better because of my walking stick Umbrella so they began picking up sticks as you see bellow;

We took a break at the top of the mountain, by the lake to have our lunch, and refuel. Then we went to the starting point.

When we got down we went into town to have tea and cakes. After a much deserved break Joymie suggested we go up to Lake Cashmere Mountain. My heart jumped with joy and I said lets do it. Then the three girls said; " No, you guys will have to do it alone, we are going back to Windermere Town Centre, we will see you later. Off they went, so Joymie and I started to talk up the second mountain.

 Going up wasn't really easy , especially that were were tired. I do talk sometimes, so at some poit Joymie called out "Studu! CAN YOU KEEP QUITE FOR NOW PLEASE, I NEED TO CONCENTRATE ON MY BREATHING". I thought that was funny, don't you think so?

What kept me going was the beautiful view, few pictures bellow;

 Anyway, what really got to me was seeing these very old women and old men coming down from the top all with smiles and every one kept saying" keep going, won't be long. don't give up, you will be glad you did it". that made me think, how old am I again? Like seriously though, how could you still be able to climb up these mountains at your age, I thought to myself.

               Bellow, Joymie and I made it to the top, so tired but so fulfilled. Amazing view.

                     It was so cold though, at the top of the mountain . we had to cover up again.

I said to the girls;

      "If a guy brought me up here and asked me a question, the answer will be YES YES YES!!"


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