Thursday 1 January 2015

The Lake District ; PART 1/INTRO

As we sat down for lunch at work, Joymie and I talked about the plan to visit the Lake district for walks. But as usually there is always people around just over hearing your conversations, it happens Fortunate and Michelle were seated on the table opposite us, and I  heard a small voice asking, 'Why are we not invited?.As I am always ready with answers (of course not in an educational setting), i answered "because we are going to be doing lots of walking as we both love to walk". "We also love to walk", Fortunate replied. "Yes we do, please invite us", Michelle said.
Anyway I had been for a walk with Fortunate one evening after work, and she did not complain. Michelle and i had recently done lots of walking in Rome with no complaints. So I said to both of them, its okay if you guys are ready for walks then lets do this. I do not think Sophia would cope though, because she doesn't like walking, so she will have to stay behind, okay!!" I added.

You are probably thinking, Girl how could you say that about your friend Sophia?, but you know what? one sunny evening after work we drove to Sonning, by the  river Thames and we took a short walk along the river, to start with when I was admiring the view, Sophia kept saying," I don't really see anything beautiful. And she goes, maybe its because I am not from the rural area, I am from Kingston. Ha ha That's my friend for you,You gotta love her,  she is such a city girl. So that was my reasoning for planning to leave her behind.

Well before I knew it Fortunate had gone and said to her we are planning a trip, and she was like i am in. When i heard though I was ready to go and ask her, " Do you realise this is not a shopping holiday?  We are going to do lots of walking. Well for the love of the word holiday my friend Sophie wasn't moved, she said"I will walk". I then advised everyone to get proper walking clothes, more importantly comfortable walking shoes. Joymie and I already had walking shoes.  I had learnt a lesson on my first visit to the Lakes, years back. I had packed few pairs of high heels, mini skirts and all the girlie stuff. I wasn't funny. Yeah, that's so me, isn't it. Never again. I am ready now.

Our holiday was quickly approaching and i started hearing Sophia making comments, "well I can't really be doing all day walks'. And I was like no problem , that's why we have booked a cottage, you stay home and cook for us. Hmmm,,Fortunate then created a group on  a group on Facebook to discuss what we were planning to do when we get to the Lakes. It was interesting to read, the suggestions, One said " i think when we get there we should just drive around to see the place., then the following day we do a boat trip, after which we will do an Afternoon tea. I also read something about shopping. I laughed but didn't comment much , all i said was 'girls this is not a shopping trip.

We arrived around 2 pm, so we had to shop for food, I then asked if we could stretch our legs and do just a short walk. its was agreed. So we did that for about an hour before we went to do food shopping.

I wasn't gonna let an opportunity like that just go by, so when we got to our cottage, as Joymie was making us dinner ( she had volunteered to do supper every night), Michelle and i went outside for an evening photo shoot.

  We had to quickly end this photo shoot, as we needed to sleep on time, we needed to be refreshed    for the following day was going to be an all day walking day.
                           Interesting story  coming up on ; Lake District Part 2

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