Monday 24 November 2014

My undying love for watermelon

My obsession and live for watermelon stems from childhood . At a very young age I can remember going to the farm with my grandma and pick the largest MELON I could find and have it all by myself.
  For my siblings finishing half a water melon was a struggle. I never had any problems... So I made my parents soo proud. In olden African culture, (let alone Botswana culture )it was a good sign if you had some weight on you, it gave the impression that you were well cared for, meaning you were well fed. Well my mother still thinks the same way.

So I dream of being a full time farmer when I grow up. I hear some of you say; grow up?? Yes, grow up. I am still young.. So, at the farm I dream of waking up every morning,  go and pic 3 watermelons, 1 on my head, 2 on both hands. In fact I will pic 4, I will wrap the 4th one on my back with a cloth. Look like a proper African woman.
The picture below was just a taster of this life.

This white water melon was so sweet but I love colours, I prefer the red one. I am too good at telling wherether the watermelon is ripe or unripe but I am still working on colours, can't always tell if it's a red one or not.

Before and after is not only for weight loss purposes, bellow is another way of demonstrating the use of the 2 words.

I am the happiest when I am eating water melon, all by myself

I Love my niece AtA so much!!  I promise she knows that, so she always hangs around me , shr cries when her mum and dad take her. Oh well, maybe this time it's my watermelon she wants.

have now decided on the time I will be visiting home. HARVEST SEASON, just to go practice my farming skills.

Leaving the farms and village behind, see you in the city.....

Friday 21 November 2014

Nothing to do? Take pictures.

I had spent too much time at the farm and in the village so I thought I needed  some of that polluted air in the city.
I got to the city and there was not much to do, I had my sister with me, so I asked if she could take few pictures of me. What  are sisters for? 

Love natural hair, I feel myself when I am rocking my fro,but sometimes I just don't know what to do with it. 
Clearly,  i didn't  do much with it on this particular day.

Moving on my lovelies,,,

Out of Africa,, where do we go next??

Keep following......

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Old pair of jeans/ Just can't get rid of...

Demin, a garment widely, embraced, worn and loved. The  most popular fabric in the whole wide world, as everyone owns atleast a pair.and why wouldn't you? They are durable, versatile and can be stylish. No matter how much you love your pair, they get too old you just can't use  them anymore. The story of my life. 

I have quite a number of jeans, but I sometimes find myself repeating the same pair over and over.  I must say its not easy to find good quality jeans these days, (heavy) jeans. We now have lots of these skinny/stretch/soft jeans. Talking of skinny/stretch, I remember when my mum first saw me trying to put on my skinny jeans, she was like " why don't you buy your own size and stop struggling??". Well , that's why i call you Mother.

Anyway I Owned a pair of strong jeans, I mean so strong I couldn't hand wash them unless I was paid to. Yes paid!! My late brother used to pay me to hand wash his jeans.  I would just deep them in water and take them out to air dry. Yea yea , easy way to get pocket money.

Moving on, I bought this particular pair from GAP, perfect fitting so I literally lived in them, until they couldn't take it. These ones had served me so well  for over 10 years so were just too worn to wear. I still couldn't get rid of  them, the inner thigh area was completely worn out ,so I chopped them and took the shorts for my holidays to Botswana.That was it, every year I am home, I don't stress, I just throw them on. I am in love.

Well the little person bellow is my 2year old niece. She loves giving me kisses. Bless

So if you're in love with a pair of jeans that are starting to rip, you may want to hang on them...think about how you can reuse them.  I DID.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Home is where the heart is,,/ My Roots

I can still hear my friend Michelle's voice " Studu, No! Not these pictures, don't post them". In other words please don't embarrass me. Hahaha
It had really been a long time since I went home around the months of April/ May. The last time I went home in May was 9 years back when I went for my dad's funeral.
But this year has been I special one. I took two and a half weeks  annual leave to go home in April/May. Harvest time for a lot of farmers.
My little sister Tiny was going to see her small life stock and I decided I was going with her. We had to fatch water from water utilities with this huge tank and  we had to empty it into another huge tank at the farms just so the goats have water for a week, it's hard work. So proud of my sister. We spent all day there, So quite because none of the family members live there anymore. Hadn't been to the farms/ cattle post since I was 16 year. What happened when I was 16 is a story for another day, it will all be revealed in due time.

The following day I decided to go visit my friend who I look upto as a big sister (Olga) in a different town. Always a precious moment to be around her. She asked;  where would you like to go/do?? 
" I would really wanna go to the farms, I want to harvest, sweet corn, watermelon, sweet read (these are my most favourite)" I answered her.
She was so surprised. She expected me to call the most expensive reasturants in town. Or ask for a spa day or something, NAY.

We went to the farms, I picked some melons,,,,. I was was soooo excited. Seing this excitement my friend said to me" Studu you are soo cheap, I can't believe this has made you soo happy. At the point I was jumping up and down like a child.
That in short is how I spent my first week.

Below I had to give an injection to this little one.

This experience really just took me to my 
childhood days. My grand parents were farmers, they had quite a few farms actually, rearing all sorts of life stock. so we used to go the farms/ cattle post every school holidays until I was at the age of 16. 
I remember as a child first  thing in the morning my cousins and I would all take cups and go the the kraal ( enclosure for cattle or other livestock ) where the helpers would be milking. Cow milk, goat milk, yea. We Would then find buckets full of milk still feeling warm straight from those cows and goats. We had to drink at least a cup each, I would have 2 or more. So my love for food don't start today, (Errrr.... So these strong teeth didn't just appear miraculously) haha.This was the norm. 
So during the harvest season when it came to me I would forget cooked food. All I wanted to eat was water melon,, to this day I still LOVE them.

This last visit home really made me realise how I miss that life, made appreciate my parents for giving me that kind of life experience, If I had to choose I would choose this kind again. THANX TO MY GRAND PARENTS.

I really should go into FARMING, think I would be so good at it. My parents had people to do the work for them but I would be doing it myself. That's the difference.

Boy am I good or what??

All of life is a journey... So journey with me.....

Sunday 9 November 2014

The Night After the Party::The conclusion!!

"TO BE FOUND BY THE GROOM" I answered as I laughed my lungs out.
 I had a very lazy morning. Too tired to even look at my presents, checked out of the hotel at 12 mid day!  Soo hungry!But I was still sooo excited! Feeling soo blessed! I thought this birthday celebration  has to end! It's Sunday, beginning of another week! Got to stop so I can make way for Christmas hype.

So Tinashe , Solloh and I went into town for dinner. Here is what happened next;

As we sat down to eat, Tinashe popped a question; "So Studu what's next?? What are your plans for the year ahead?? What do you want to accomplish?? Excuse me, didn't know I was brought here to be questioned. Lol. My first answer was; " TO BE FOUND BY THE GROOM"!!!!! Hahaha...
Well to be found, yes. I am not doing the finding, the word says  He who finds a wife, finds a good thing.

Was interesting to hear Solloh's view on this matter.
 You shouldn't waste anymore time Digny; Get a men, get married, have a baby" she said! So it does sound like it will be a very busy one  for me!

I am okay with all questions as long as the girls take few pitures of me; so yea yea;

                                        This was a lovely conclusion the birthday week!

                                           Now looking forward to Christmas!


                                                                                  Its a done deal....

                                                   PRAISING ALL THE WAY!!!

Saturday 8 November 2014

40th Celebration: The Bride with no Groom ....part 2!

My special night didn't end just like that! With all the excitement I was the last one to leave even though I only slept 2hrs the night before and had no rest on the day at all.

My friends had been on my case though" Studu please make sure you sleep all day on Satarday so that you are well rested", we don't want you telling us you are going to sleep at 10 pm, we can't excuse you, it's your party, " they told me".
Well the story behind this its that every time we go out together, when it goes 9:30 pm my eyes start closing and I will start saying "it's passed my bed time" :-(.

NOT ON MY NIGHT THOUGH, My friends still can't believe it! I got to the hotel room, dropped all the pressies and flowers , still feeling excited and so wide awake we decided to hit the club, YES club, at 1:30 am. I changed into a short dress and there we went. Clubbing till 3 am. Who said you needed alcohol to have fun? We had fun! We danced.
Got back to the hotel room at 4am.

Hahaha... But Solloh kept saying;" I can't Believe you are in the club". Honestly shouldn't it have been the other way round??