Tuesday 18 November 2014

Home is where the heart is,,/ My Roots

I can still hear my friend Michelle's voice " Studu, No! Not these pictures, don't post them". In other words please don't embarrass me. Hahaha
It had really been a long time since I went home around the months of April/ May. The last time I went home in May was 9 years back when I went for my dad's funeral.
But this year has been I special one. I took two and a half weeks  annual leave to go home in April/May. Harvest time for a lot of farmers.
My little sister Tiny was going to see her small life stock and I decided I was going with her. We had to fatch water from water utilities with this huge tank and  we had to empty it into another huge tank at the farms just so the goats have water for a week, it's hard work. So proud of my sister. We spent all day there, So quite because none of the family members live there anymore. Hadn't been to the farms/ cattle post since I was 16 year. What happened when I was 16 is a story for another day, it will all be revealed in due time.

The following day I decided to go visit my friend who I look upto as a big sister (Olga) in a different town. Always a precious moment to be around her. She asked;  where would you like to go/do?? 
" I would really wanna go to the farms, I want to harvest, sweet corn, watermelon, sweet read (these are my most favourite)" I answered her.
She was so surprised. She expected me to call the most expensive reasturants in town. Or ask for a spa day or something, NAY.

We went to the farms, I picked some melons,,,,. I was was soooo excited. Seing this excitement my friend said to me" Studu you are soo cheap, I can't believe this has made you soo happy. At the point I was jumping up and down like a child.
That in short is how I spent my first week.

Below I had to give an injection to this little one.

This experience really just took me to my 
childhood days. My grand parents were farmers, they had quite a few farms actually, rearing all sorts of life stock. so we used to go the farms/ cattle post every school holidays until I was at the age of 16. 
I remember as a child first  thing in the morning my cousins and I would all take cups and go the the kraal ( enclosure for cattle or other livestock ) where the helpers would be milking. Cow milk, goat milk, yea. We Would then find buckets full of milk still feeling warm straight from those cows and goats. We had to drink at least a cup each, I would have 2 or more. So my love for food don't start today, (Errrr.... So these strong teeth didn't just appear miraculously) haha.This was the norm. 
So during the harvest season when it came to me I would forget cooked food. All I wanted to eat was water melon,, to this day I still LOVE them.

This last visit home really made me realise how I miss that life, made appreciate my parents for giving me that kind of life experience, If I had to choose I would choose this kind again. THANX TO MY GRAND PARENTS.

I really should go into FARMING, think I would be so good at it. My parents had people to do the work for them but I would be doing it myself. That's the difference.

Boy am I good or what??

All of life is a journey... So journey with me.....

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